By its nature, artisanal design forces us to hit the “pause” button—to slow down and savor, to reflect as we create. In our fast-paced world of instant information, apps, and quick answers, that approach may seem counterintuitive. We’ve all learned to think that faster is always better.
Yet I think there’s a process to be savored in design—an experience of exploration and discovery that can be as enjoyable as the final product. If our goal is to create an individualized space for you that is luxurious, warm, welcoming, and comfortable, I believe in allowing ideas to simmer and develop. It takes time for the right blend of beauty and utility to emerge from our collaboration. Such a process can be immensely energizing; it’s both a journey and a joy.
Artisanal design feels different the way creating a meal for a special occasion feels different. As you design the menu, you look for elements that will be compatible and pleasing to everyone, yet interesting. Then you seek out the finest ingredients, maybe special spices you don’t use on a regular basis. Finally, you prepare the meal with full attention, serving and relishing the flavors of each dish. It’s an overall enjoyable experience that takes thought and planning. Yet the end result is unique, original, and intensely personal.
So it is with artisanal design. We’ll create a design for your home in which each element is handpicked to blend harmoniously with every other element. Then we’ll seek out the finest materials and craftsmen to fashion a space for you that is completely individual, adding unique pieces and details, as you like. I believe in embracing the inherent imperfections of natural objects—the irregularities and patinas that make something one-of-a-kind. In the end—once we’ve sewn the draperies, upholstered the seating, painted the walls, and hung the artwork—we can revel in a space that feels natural and relaxed, yet lovely and very particular to you.
Artisanal design is an experience as well as a process. It says, “The perfect pieces for you are out there. And if we don’t know exactly what they are today, not to worry, because there is always another beautiful thing. We will explore together until we have the answer that’s right for you.” This is design that’s about discovering, experimenting, and savoring together. It’s different, but the results are eminently worth it.